
“Rallies” are being held periodically by the pupils of Stds 3 to 5 to give them an awareness on the importance of education, plastic free zone, dengue, rainwater harvesting, etc., conducted by Vedapatti Town Panchayat.
Feathery Bag
In order to decrease the burden of pupils, bag weight has been reduced. Pupils are instructed to carry only the period wise books, diary and rough note to school everyday.

Plastic Free Campus
The use of single-use plastic items is banned in the school.
Pupils are advised to reduce the usage of plastics in any form either in the campus or at home or wherever they go and wherever they are.

Life Skills

“Your past may remind you, But it should not define you” – Andy Stanley
Experienced persons with life skills like plumbers, electricians, carpenters etc., are invited to motivate the pupils to develop their skills.
Motivational talks are also conducted by successful “Alumni” to motivate pupils.
“Akshaya Pathra Scheme” is introduced in the school. Pupils are instructed to bring only one vegetable to offer to the Noon Meal Centre. It ensures that everyone is involved and gets healthy food.

Inculcating Values
“Rather than love, money, fame, give me truth.”
Ethics and values are inculcated in the young minds at an early stage of their life by telling stories, true incidents and through life biographies of great souls and by the behaviour of teachers.

Joy of Giving

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” – Anne Frank
“Joy of Giving” day is followed every year in a way to induce the helping tendency in pupils.
Sanchayika (Piggy Bank)
“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self- denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought and so broadens the mind” – T.T Munger
“Sanchayika”– A small savings scheme is being followed in the school, which helps to inculcate the habit of saving for future in the young minds of pupils.

Mothers’ Club

Formation of Mothers Club helps the mothers to know about their children’s activity in school.
Mothers come to school once in a month and observe the activities of their children, cleanliness of the school and have a look at the school campus.
Mothers are voluntarily involved in the Noon- Meal preparation. It reveals the healthy relationship between the school and parents.
Honouring Parents
Parents of pupils who get 100% attendance are honoured every year in the “Annual Day Celebration”. A memento is given to them to appreciate their efforts in guiding their children at home and keeping them fit as a fiddle throughout the year.

Grandparent’s Time

Grandparents of pupils are invited to school once in two months to share their experiences as well as teach their grandchildren about their golden days, proverbs, traditional songs, stories, riddles and so on, so that, pupils enjoy and also know about the traditional values.
Health Camps
Health camps are conducted twice in a year by PSG Management as well as the Government Primary Health Centre of Poochiyur.PSG Hospitals cover Medical Insurance (accidental insurance) up to Rs.50,000/- for pupils and staff per year. Pupils are screened for fever, anemia, dental cavities, eye sight, general health and various other physical health-related issues.
Those who need expert advice are referred to the upper level of screening to General Hospitals.