Journey of the School from 1905
The school has been functioning as a Tamil Medium School since 1905 and has come under the prestigious banner of PSG & Sons’ Charities in 1943 – 1944.
The school is constantly growing and has completed 115 years of educating little minds.
The school was honoured with the “Best School Award” among the Aided Primary Schools of Coimbatore Revenue District by the Education Department in 2008.
The guidance of PSG Management and the wonderful infrastructure provided by it and dedication of staff members, interest evinced by the parents and the educational thirst of pupils have contributed to the school to excel in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the past decades which will be continued in future.
The history of the school starts from this year. It took its first step towards an everlasting, never-ending journey with the name “Panchama Palli”(a school for the children of downtrodden sections of the society) . Thanks to the efforts of Thullukutty, the founder of the school. It started functioning with Koundappan, as the first teacher of “Panchama Palli.”
The school was adopted by the Taluk (an administrative division in a District) Board.
The school was then adopted and included in the Governance of the Coimbatore Taluk Board.
Diwan Bahadur PSG Rangaswamy Naidu who was the Managing Trustee of PSG & Sons’ Charities and his other three philanthropic brothers who were the other trustees with the help of Dr.E.S. Gopal, a Military Doctor and some other local heads as the committee members started an Ashram under two divisions. Dr.E.S.Gopal took charge of the dispensary division and S.Sundareswara Iyer, took charge of the education division for the needy children of Vedapatti village and its surroundings. The education division was then called Gurukulam School and started functioning at the Ashram premises.
The “Panchama Palli” which was under the governance of the Coimbatore Taluk Board was merged with the “Gurukulam School”.
The school was given recognition permanently by the District Educational Officer, Coimbatore & Nilgiris in his Proceedings R.O.C. No 10 (29)41, dated 17.04.1941.
S. Sundareswara Iyer, the Headmaster of “Gurukulam School”, wrote a letter to the PSG Trust during the last days of his life, requesting the Trust to take over the management of the school into the Governance of the Trust.
1943 – 1944
Keeping his request letter as a base, an offer letter was sent to the District Educational Officer of Coimbatore (DEO) seeking his permission to take over the school into the “PSG Regime.”The Coimbatore Taluk Board had then granted permission to entrust the management of the school into the safe hands of PSG.

The school building in 1943 – 1944
1995 – 1996
The school was upgraded as a Middle School with Classes VI to VIII.

The school in 1995 – 1996
2005 to 2006
The Middle School was upgraded as a High School.
PSG Aided Primary School and PSG High School are functioning in the same campus at Vedapatti, like conjoined twins. While PSG Aided Primary School at Vedapatti is a Tamil Medium school following Samacheer Kalvi of Tamilnadu Government from Standards I to V, the PSG High School is an Unaided Tamil Medium school also following Samacheer Kalvi of Tamilnadu Government from Standards VI to X.

The school in 2005 – 2006
2006 to 2007
The school has completed a major milestone of 100 successful years in its service to the society and the “Centenary Year” was celebrated with Vanamahotsava, Alumni Association Meeting, Educational Seminars and a Cultural Programme.

K.Damodarasamy Naidu
The founder of Annapoorna and Gowrishankar Group planted a sapling in this occasion.

V.T. Vellingiri, President of Vedapatti Panchayat, addressing the gathering.
Right to Left:
S.P.Velumani, Member of Legislative Assembly, Perur,
G.Rangaswamy, Managing Trustee, PSG & Sons’ Charities,
N.K. Rajarajan, DEEO, Coimbatore,
M. Nataraj,Former Trustee,PSG & Sons’ Charities,
N.C.Nandagopalan, Secretary, PSG Schools.
2019 – 2020
The school reached its 75 years of unmatched service under the “Prestigious Banner of PSG.” “Platinum Jubilee” was celebrated at PSG College of Technology, graced and blessed by Swami Karishtanandhar, Head of Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya,
Periyanaikenpalayam, in the presence of L. Gopalakrishnan, the Managing Trustee, to mark the fame and glory of the Institution.

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To realize our vision through a burning desire by a converged effort and a planned execution with the best practices available and to develop as trend setters.