From the Managing Trustee’s Desk

Managing Trustee
“Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today” – Malcolm X
PSG Aided Primary School at Vedapatti has been nurturing talent and creativity in the minds of the children entrusted to our care since its incorporation into our PSG Trust in 1943 – 1944. Seven decades have rolled on since then.The parents may feel rest assured that their wards will definitely have endearing and enriching experience during their course of study here in their formative years.
Beyond that, the campus is vibrant and wholesome allowing the children to pursue all they love, whether they are curricular or co – curricular or extracurricular domains. It is designed in such a way that the student community we have admitted is dynamic and humane.
We take all steps to ensure that the pupils receive the best possible education.
As we look back we marvel at the tremendous things we have accomplished throughout the past in realising our vision and mission.
We rededicate ourselves to the vision of our founders in providing wholistic education towards an inclusive growth of our nation.
From the TQM Council Secretary’s Desk
In general, particularly in schools, education needs/ demands a synergy between three key stakeholders – Children, Parents and Teachers. It involves in addition to class room teaching/ learning, other curricular/co-curricular/ extra-curricular activities which are essential for the overall development of the children which formulate the base for all their endeavours.
Children acquire knowledge always through a dynamic learning process from various sources that include teachers, parents and most importantly their friends.
Therefore, adding to the traditional methods of memorization and rote learning, the above mentioned essential activities are assimilated in all our programs/ actions in a safe and nurturing environment. These factors together coalesce into a holistic learning experience for our children; to enable them to become balanced and responsible citizens of tomorrow.
Developments/ innovations are taking place in an exponential fashion simultaneously all over the globe in the teaching learning processes and more importantly, they are available freely and liberally to all. It is our mandate to provide world class exposure/ education for our children; thereby they attain balance, peace and success in their personal and professional life/career.

Secretary, TQM Council, Research & Analysis
From the Secretary’s Desk

Education is the transformation of values and not transformation of information. As education without values, however useful it may be, will make a person a clever devil, we must strive to enrich life with values through our educational practices.
Values ennoble a person and enriches his / her surroundings to ensure happiness for all. Happiness is a state of mind different from pleasure and joy. Pleasure arises out of sensory gratification but happiness is independent of sensory gratification and personality traits. So, we must raise ourselves from the level of the problem to the level of solution – that gives objectivity. So, the teachers must transfer their souls to their children at school, look through their eyes, hear through their ears and feel through their hearts.
If the present output is far better than the previous output, it is success. Besides ambition in life the children entrusted to us should have a philosophy of life which will drive them towards a meaningful goal through the path of righteousness.
Let our tireless striving stretch its arms towards perfection as envisaged by the Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore.
From the Headmaster’s desk
It is a great pleasure in inviting one and all to PSG Primary School, Vedapatti. As stated in the school’s mission, we are committed in guiding the pupils to reach their goals as per their wish. We are incessantly working in developing the young ones to become respectable and responsible citizens to the community. The enthusiasm of the teaching staff and the wonderful atmosphere are reasons for the young ones to feel homely. The programmes are designed to educate, in the excellent ambience of the school to create value system in them. Today’s world is a dynamic source of communication and information technology enabling us in connecting people in a number of ways. So we want to actively work as a team to strive tirelessly towards perfection for our nation building as the school is the place where the pupils thrive in an environment of collective pride and achievement.
We ensure a secure emotionally safe environment, as the pupils are engaged and challenged in a wonderful pride and stimulating learning areas lead by a team of teaching professionals.
We are very excited to be a part of PSG and we look forward in sharing the ideas and celebrations with you.
Thank you

K. Ravi