The school promises excellent coaching aligning to the playway method of teaching to ensure the pupils enjoy their learning process.
PSG Primary School, Vedapatti strongly believes that a solid elementary platform is the base for building the inner characteristics of an individual so as to provide good citizens to the society.

State Board Syllabus
The academic syllabus is based on “Samacheer Kalvi”( Government of Tamilnadu )
SABL (Simplified Activity Based Learning) and SALM (Simple Active Learning Methodology) are followed.
Pupils’ uniform is as per the instructions given by the Government of Tamilnadu.
Teaching and Learning is based on the three term curriculum of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Pupils of Stds I to III follow the SABL system and Stds IV and V follow the SALM.
SABL –Simplified Activity Based Learning.
Four different kinds of strategies targeting different categories of pupils such as teacher contact, peer group, individual and assessment are being followed to improve the learning outcomes of the pupils.

ENNUM EZHUTHUM is a new teaching-learning methodology introduced by the Tamilnadu Education Department which is being followed from the Academic year 2022-2023 for Standards I to III and from 2023-2024 for Standards IV & V.

SALM – Simplified Active Learning Methodology is learners centric and it involves pupils actively and cheerfully in the learning process. Steps followed in SALM
Mind Map
Consolidation of the content
Concept of Lesson
Evaluation of the content
Project Work
Day to day lively projects are given to pupils to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
This CCE is followed Trimester (for 3 terms in a year) . It has two features such as “Summative Assessment and Formative Assessment”.
Summative Assessment is a written examination conducted for 60 marks at the end of each term.
Formative Assessment is skill evaluation based on assessing the pupil’s performance in class and their relevant project works. It is conducted for 40 marks.

Assembly is conducted on all working days from 9.10 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Opportunity is given to all the pupils of Stds I to V to read Tamil & English News, Proverbs, Thirukkural, Thought for the day, Spoken English and so on, to test their reading skills,to remove their stage fear and to develop their leadership traits. Teachers motivate the pupils with inspirational incidents of great personalities. Finally, it concludes with the National Anthem.
Spoken English
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put into practice”
The school has been developing good communicative skills of the pupils.
For Stds I & II, greetings, commands, tongue-twisters and self- introduction are being practised.
For Stds III to V, story telling, conversations, mono act, elocution, tongue-twisters, newspaper reading, etc., are being practised and followed.
Pupils are advised and guided by faculty to speak only in English to all their teachers, friends, classmates, etc., on all Thursdays from the time they enter the school till they leave.

Personality Development
Distinctive patterns of pupil’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour that distinguish individuals are encouraged.
Story Time
Pupils are encouraged to read stories and improve their vocabulary using dictionaries and to understand the moral concept present in them.

Rhyme Time
Everyday morning from 8.45 a.m. to 9.10 a.m. ”Jingle Time” is being followed. Pupils of Stds I to III, sing jingles and Stds IV and V, sing action songs during that time.
Library Time
“ I do not want to just read books. I want to climb inside them and live there.” – Anonymous
A spacious and well-resourced library has been designed to provide a peaceful and purposeful atmosphere for pupils to read and to encourage their creative thinking.

Computer Class
“Your brain works just like a computer So make sure you’re the only one programming it” – Anonymous
A separate unique syllabus has been designed specially for pupils, where they learn basic Computer Skills, MS Office Tools and Internet Access Knowledge.
Field Trip
Field trip is an opportunity for pupils to explore the world and pave the way for pupils to learn and enrich their knowledge through field trips to different community places like Post office, Banks, Children’s Traffic Park, Museums, etc.,

Online Classes
Online classes are successfully planned and followed in the school during Saturdays. We use Smart Board, Digital Visualizers and Web Cameras in the online classes for better understanding of concepts.

Puppet Show
Pupils are shown puppet shows using cloth made dolls for learning activity.

Project Work
Project work helps to enhance the knowledge of pupils. Particular topics relevant to the syllabus are chosen and given to pupils to empower and enrich their knowledge.
Dictionary Usage
Pupils of Stds III to V, are taught the usage of “Dictionary”. Pupils are also taught to find out more meanings for a particular word using “Thesaurus”.
“ Dictionary Day” is celebrated once in a month where the vocabulary skill of the pupils is assessed and the winners are honoured.

Reading for Pleasure
Books like comics, short-stories, simple biographies of great personalities etc., are kept in a corner of every classroom for pupils to read with pleasure at their leisure time.
GK Corner
Every day five general knowledge questions are written at the corner of the blackboard and updated daily. Pupils are encouraged to read the general knowledge books and weekly quiz programmes are conducted in the class.

Display Board
Project work and Arts & Craft, paintings, drawings, colourings and articles done by the pupils are collected regularly and the best ones are displayed on the display board so as to encourage and also motivate others. The notable ones are shown to the members of the School Committee during the Quarterly Committee Meetings.

Identifying Skills
An individual file is maintained for all pupils about their specialities, skills and talents, so that extra coaching can be given according to their interests, during the last period of every Friday.

Group Discussion
All teachers meet, discuss and share their thoughts, experiences and ideas to improve their skills and to update them according to the latest technologies on all Fridays after school hours.
Cultural activities
Cultural Club activities were conducted for pupils of classes I to V on 31st January 2025.

Annual lnspection
Annual lnspection was held on 20th December 2023. Ms.S.Srikala, BEO (Block Educational Officer – Additional) of Perur Range, inspected the classes and she also perused the school records. She appreciated the performance of the teachers and pupils.
The Govt. of Tamilnadu and Education Department has launched “Illam Thedi Kalvi” scheme for pupils of Govt. & Aided schools, especially for children who have missed their studies during this pandemic situation,at their school habitation itself.
Likewise, this scheme has been launched in 10 wards out of sixteen during the first week of January 2022 in our school surroundings.
Latest Technology
Robotics is a new technology that pupils must be aware of . As a first step Robotics knowledge is being given to pupils to engage them in Scientific Experimental Basics.
Our pupils must be adapted with the latest developments to be a productive member of the society. Learning Robotics can be more effective.
So, basic training is given to the pupils in the usage of 3D Printer, Robotic Kit and Drone.


The Govt. of Tamil Nadu conducted the First Terminal Examination-2024 for classes I to V.
Ms. sreekala, Block educational Officer of perur range along with Ms.sangeetha, special educator visited the school campus on 24th september2024, and inspected the First term summative Assessment-written examination for the pupils of classes 1 to 5.